The highly developed agricultural machinery in use in today's intensive farming environment needs the specialised protection afforded by specialist agricultural lubricants.

The agricultural product range has been developed to satisfy the requirements of the latest specialised tractor units through to older types of farming machinery and ancillary equipment, including milking machines, chain saws, stationary engines and hydraulically operated plant.

In addition to numerous ancillary products, we also provide an extensive range of environmentally friendly, fully biodegradeable lubricants for use in sensitive areas where spillage of conventional lubricants could cause serious pollution of land and waterways.

Please see our range of Agricultural products listed below or search for specific products using the search form.


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Please contact us to find out more.

CARONA REUTER INDUSTRIAL LTD, Coppen Road, Selinas Lane, Dagenham, Essex RM8 1HN. Phone: +44 (020) 8592 2576. Fax: +44 (020) 8595 8024.
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